Our Services
Dr. Melissa O'Neill's Team
As a specialist Obstetrician, Dr O’Neill is committed to providing excellent care
throughout your pregnancy, labour and beyond.
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(08)9382 8282
Dr Melissa O’Neill is a Specialist Obstetrician offering antenatal care and delivery through St John of God Subiaco Hospital. A caring and skilled practitioner, Dr O’Neill is dedicated to providing a high level of care for women throughout pregnancy, labour, delivery and beyond. Her warm and caring nature will have you at ease as you embark on the most exciting journey, that is parenthood.
Dr O’Neill’s highly attentive, personalised service includes a dedicated team of midwives and office staff and ensures that you always receive understanding, engaging and comprehensive medical care.
Dr O’Neill prefers to see you at approximately 8-10 weeks gestation for your first appointment, ensuring a fetal heart can be seen on ultrasound.
Subsequent appointments are usually four to six weekly until 30 weeks gestation, two to three weekly until 36 weeks gestation, and then weekly until delivery.
Dr O’Neill is passionate about ensuring you have had ample opportunity to discuss labour and delivery in an empathetic and supportive setting, before the big day arrives.
Your care doesn’t end once you’ve left the hospital. Dr O’Neill works closely with St John of God Subiaco Hospital to ensure you have a smooth transition home and receive all the support you need, including a home visit from a midwife, breastfeeding support and a range of specific services as required in the early weeks.
As a specialist Obstetrician, Dr O’Neill is committed to providing excellent care
throughout your pregnancy, labour and beyond.